

Take time to prepare your home for the cold weather. 通过减少你的澳门威尼斯人消耗, 你可以降低你的账单,并采取更节能的生活方式. Here are some simple ways to be more mindful of your energy usage.

首页 maintenance tips to save energy

  • 更换过滤器. 肮脏的过滤器使你的炉子更难运转,使肮脏的空气在你的房子里循环. You should be able to see light clearly through the filter. 如果没有,则需要更改. 每月清洗你的炉子过滤器, 并遵循用户手册中描述的任何其他例行维护程序.
  • 清理杂物. 有时,当我们的炉子几个月没有运行时,我们不经意地在它周围储存东西. This is especially dangerous if the stored items are flammable. Make sure to clear away the space around your furnace. 当你这样做的时候,检查一下家里的通风口,确保没有东西堵住它们.
  • 进行炉膛检查. Your furnace will be hard at work once the cold arrives. 请我们经验丰富的技术人员检查一下,确保它处于最佳状态. An efficiently operating furnace will save you in energy costs. 考虑报名参加一个 服务警卫计划 为了额外的心灵平静. With Service Guard, a broken appliance isn’t an emergency.  


  • 检查阻尼器. 如果你有壁炉,确保你的风门在你不使用它的时候关上. Closing the damper could save 8 percent of your home's heat. 一个开着的或安装不好的风门会让你家的热空气从烟囱里逸出.
  • 确保通风良好. 如果设计不当, 壁炉可以把冷空气沿着地板拉进建筑物,使房间变冷. 许多较新的壁炉都装有通风口,以澳门威尼斯人博彩官方网站提供新鲜的冷空气并散发出温暖的空气. Glass panels on the fireplace can be effective.
  • 做安全检查. Put your wood-burning appliance safely away from walls, and make sure the chimney is installed according to safety guidelines. 你也应该确保你的烟囱是干净的,并且有一个合格的承包商每年检查一次.


  • 把火关小. 只要把恒温器调到10%到15%,连续8小时,你每年就可以节省10%的取暖费. 你可以安装一个自动调温器(也称为时钟或可编程调温器),在不牺牲舒适度的情况下自动做到这一点。. 你可以将这种类型的恒温器设置为在一天中的特定时间自动调低或调高. 与供暖承包商或当地五金店核实安装可编程恒温器的费用.
    • 一个好的经验法则是把温度设置得尽可能低,但仍然舒适. 在60-70度的范围内,每降低一度,就可以节省2%的取暖费用. The ideal temperature would be around 68 degrees.
  • Move thermostat away from heat source. 把恒温器放在内墙,这样它就不会受到太阳或热源的影响.
  • You can also save energy and money by installing a 控制器的需求. (仅适用于南达科他州.)


  • 外墙保温. Proper insulation keeps your home warm in winter and cool in summer. 事实上,你可以通过不隔热的天花板损失多达20%的供暖能量. Read some helpful tips on insulating your home.
  • 检查管道工作. 大多数管道位于未加热的空间,是热量损失的常见来源. 获取有关绝缘的更多信息.


  • 更换旧窗户. 如果你的家或办公室比较旧,可以考虑换掉旧的窗户. 如果这样做太贵,可以考虑先更换通风最好的窗户.
  • 安装防风玻璃门.
  • 填缝和密封任何开口. Prevent heat loss by caulking and weather-stripping doors and windows.
  • 让阳光照进来. Take down any awnings over your windows to let in winter sunshine. 在寒冷的日子和晚上关上窗帘,但在白天打开窗帘. This will help the sun heat your home.


  • Check foods through the oven window. You may lose 25 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit each time you open the door.
  • Turn off the oven a few minutes before cooking time ends. 对很多菜来说, especially those that require a long cooking time, you can turn off the oven a few minutes before finishing. The oven will remain hot enough to complete the job.
  • The self-cleaning feature is expensive. 学会在烘烤或烘烤后立即擦拭,以避免使用自动清洁功能. A "continuous cleaning" oven doesn't use extra energy.
  • 擦亮你的反射板. Dirty, dull pans absorb heat instead of reflecting it.
  • Match the pan to the surface burner. A pan that fits the burner cooks better.
  • 烹调食物前先解冻. It’s wasteful to thaw food by cooking it, and it won’t cook as well.
  • Use smaller cooking appliances when possible.


  • 用淋浴代替泡澡. Typically, a shower uses 10-20 gallons of water, while a bath uses 30. But don't shower for more than five minutes.
  • 把漏水的水龙头修好. One drop of water per second equals 60 gallons of water a week. 一个10分钟就能灌满一个咖啡杯的漏水,一年就会浪费3280加仑的水.
  • 尽可能使用冷水. Modern detergents allow you to use cold water more than ever before. 洗衣过程中80%到85%的能量来自加热水.
  • Install flow restrictors and aerators. By installing water flow restrictors in shower heads and faucets, you could save up to 50 percent on hot water use. 淋浴喷头有不同类型的节流器,其他水龙头有不同类型的曝气器. They all reduce water usage without being noticeable.
  • 降低热水器的设置. Lowering your temperature setting a few degrees can save energy. 将你的温度降低到120度以下可以节省高达10%的热水器费用.
  • 按需热水器. 对于按需热水器,确保加热元件上没有硬水积聚


  • Don't use an entire wash cycle for only a couple of garments. 另一方面,过多的衣物会导致额外的皱纹和绒毛.
  • 每次使用后,或在开始新负荷之前,都要清洁棉绒捕集器. Also, double-check the pockets of your garments.
  • 保持清洁. 维护烘干机通风口,定期清洁烘干机的下面和后面.
  • 计划你的干燥周期. 首先烘干较大、较笨重的衣服,然后用较短的周期烘干较小、较轻的衣服.
  • 不要过度使用肥皂水. Too much detergent may hurt your clothes and your washing machine. Use cold or lukewarm water when you can. You'll save with every load when you use cooler water. 冷水有助于减少绒毛.
  • Address maintenance issues promptly. 如果烘干机比平时用的时间长,这可能会大大增加你的用电量.


  • 使用调光器或三路开关. 通常我们的照明需求取决于我们当时正在做的任何活动. 安装调光开关或使用三通灯泡可以让你为每项活动选择合适的亮度.
  • 做一个“开明的”装饰师. Decorate your home or business with illumination in mind. 浅色反射光线,所以在你想要明亮的地方使用它们.
  • 保持照明设备清洁. 越干净的灯泡越亮. But let incandescent bulbs cool before cleaning or they may break.
  • 尽可能使用自然光.
  • 使用LED灯泡. LED bulbs use about 20-25 percent of the energy in your home, and lasts up to 25 times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs.
  • Install motion detectors or timer switches. In low-trafficked areas like outdoor areas, 地下室或车库, it is easy for a light to be left on for days. By installing motion detectors or timer switches, you can make sure you're not lighting an area when it’s unnecessary. 


节日照明会增加你11月和12月的家庭电费. But you can have a festive display for much less. 当你计划你的节日装饰时,这里有一些事情要考虑.

  • LED灯: 由于led在寒冷环境中的耐用性和性能,其操作成本较低,并且在户外工作良好.
  • 灯泡瓦数: 传统的大灯泡(可能标记为C-7或C-9)每个灯泡使用4到10瓦. Mini-lights use about four tenths of a watt per bulb, and the new LED lights use only four one-hundredths of a watt. The lower wattage the bulb, the less energy it is using.
  • 每串灯泡数: The larger bulbs are usually sold 25 to a string, while the smaller bulb sets may have 35 to 200 bulbs per string. Icicle lights have 100 lights per 10-foot string. LED lights have 35-100 bulbs per string.
  • 每栋房子的琴弦: The more lights you use, the more power you'll use. But whether you use only one light string or many, 如果你使用节能灯,你会得到更低的电费.
  • 时机决定一切: 你可以通过让室外的灯在预先设定的计时器上运行三到五个小时,以及在室内的灯周围使用镜子和金属丝来增加照明效果来减少你的澳门威尼斯人消耗.

By changing a few habits and monitoring your usage more 关闭ly, you'll find creating an energy efficient home is easier than you think. 

  • 在家穿暖和一点. Wearing sweaters or other warm clothes at home can really help. 宽松的衣服很舒服,而且有助于自然地保持身体的热量.
  • Use ventilating fans only as needed. Use kitchen, bath and other ventilating fans sparingly. In just one hour, these fans can blow away a house full of warmed air. Turn them off just as soon as they have done their job.
  • Move furniture away from the air registers. This allows for free flow of heated air.
  • 不使用它? 拔掉它. Unplug office equipment like printers, 碎纸机, 扫描仪, 及其他家用电器, 比如你的咖啡机, to prevent them from pulling energy when not in use.



团队准备's Mike and Maria putting together an emergency kit